Thursday, February 3, 2011

Think Purple

Think purple.

It will remind you of the story of LYDIA from Acts 16 vs 11-15.   Lydia was a seller of purple fabric when Paul was travelling around telling people about Jesus.  This kind of fabric was very special and expensive for people to buy.  Not only was Lydia a woman who had her own business, she would have been very wealthy.  Purple means royalty, wealth and importance.

was an important, wealthy person who was soooo eager to hear the truth about JESUS.  The bible says she "listened with an open heart" to Paul as he talked about JESUS.  That's fabulous.  Have you ever been listening to your teacher...but not really listening.  The kind of listening that really means you are planning what you are going to do at recess while the teacher is talking.    I know I've done that.  LYDIA though, listened to Paul talk about JESUS and then got baptized right away.  Not only did she get baptized she started inviting Paul and his friends over to her house.  She wanted to share what she had with them and treat them in her home.  LYDIA listened with an open heart about JESUS, believed, got baptized and then began serving GOD.  She is an example of what we should do as we hear the message of JESUS.

Remember purple. Remember Lydia.


For a bit more background information, games and a slideshow go to
This website, while a bit "old school", does have some good details about the life of Lydia.  Check out the slideshow!

That's all for now my friends.  Looking forward to spending Sunday mornings in February with you!