Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It's the most wonderful time!  
While it still feels like Christmas is a long way off and waiting is hard...we are starting to talk about the Christmas story and what that means for our lives in Lighthouse this Sunday.  We will begin to unwrap the meaning of Christmas over the next 5 weeks.  Come on out and bring your friends!

Advent Challenge!
Celebrate Jesus' birth by giving a gift to someone each week of Advent.
This doesn't have to a gift that costs money.  It can be an act of kindness that you pass on to someone else.  Maybe even someone you find hard to love!
Give a hug...
Say something kind to someone who needs it...
Play with someone who gets left out...
Share something you have with someone else...
Be creative!!

Some dates for you and your parents to get on the calendar are:

Nov. 21- pageant practice after church
Nov. 28- pageant practice after church
Dec. 5-    pageant practice during and after church (potluck Sunday)
Dec. 12- Christmas Pageant during the morning Service.

Please look in your church mailboxes for the Advent booklet for families.  Check inside for some great activities to do together as you await the Coming of Christ.  Create some new family traditions together!
Or...try this link to download a simple version of the Christmas story for your little ones.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Last month we spent time talking about the story Jesus told about the wise man  building his house on the rock.  We learned that God is the Rock and we should build our lives on Him!

This month we will be talking about the story of David.  God chooses David to be King of the Israelites early (when he was a kid) and David does some amazing things for God.  Let's learn together from David's life about how God chooses us too and gives us courage to do wonderful things.  

Here is a link to a cartoon about the story of David and Goliath.  Make sure you get your parents to help you access the link!

PARENTS-  this is a youtube video so you will want to watch this video with your kids and make sure they are safely using the site.  You might remember this "vintage" cartoon!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

VBS Memories

We had a great week at VBS this summer and I thought some of you might like to take a look at some video memories.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fall is here!

Summer is quickly bursting into fall and everyone is heading back to school.  Have a wonderful first few weeks of school as you meet your teachers and your classmates!
We are beginning a new season of exciting programs at church too.  Come on out to our first week of Lighthouse (Sunday School) on September 12th.  Bring your parents and your friends!
Parents if you are wondering what your kids will learning this year you can check out our curriculum at  and get a look at SPARK.
I know that you might be looking to add some fun back into your life after having started school so you might want to visit the Veggie Tales web site to play some games.  Here's the link:  Enjoy!!